
Committee of the Square Rigger Club Charity for 2022/23

President -  Cdr Jeremy Bearne RN -

Commodore - Richard Weston -

Honorary Secretary -  David Hawkins -

Honorary Treasurer -  John MacDonald -

Charter Secretary - David Gibbs -

Bursary Secretary - Richard Weston -

Membership Secretary - Miles Banister -

Newsletter Editor -

Data Protection Officer -

Ex Officio - MSSC Offshore Commander

Privacy statement

The Square Rigger Club Charity takes members’ privacy seriously and will only use personal information to keep members informed of SRCC activities, send the SRCC newsletter or make contact about SRCC matters. We use WebCollect to securely hold members information on our behalf. We ask members’ consent to the club using their data. 

When individuals participate in one of our charters aboard TS Royalist we are obliged to share their personal information with the Marine Society and Sea Cadets (MSSC) the owner and operator of the ship. The MSSC keeps this data securely for 6 years and then destroys it. We do not share member’s information with any other organisation.  

When we receive an application for a bursary for a minor, normally a member of the Sea Cadet Corps, we treat any personal information contained therein with the utmost respect and integrity and according to MSSC data protection rules.  We never share that information with third parties. For MSSC data protection details use this link.

By contacting the Honorary Secretary or Data Protection Officer any member can check, correct or delete any of their data we hold.